About the Bellbrook Sugarcreek Education Foundation
Our Program
The Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Education Foundation is a subcommittee of the Greene County Community Foundation. This non-profit fund was established to promote quality education and capital improvements as well as to manage funds for college scholarships for graduates of the Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools. BSEF provides support not available from public funds.
Who makes up the foundation?
We are residents of Bellbrook/Sugarcreek Township who are dedicated to providing the best possible educational opportunities for the children in our community. Our purpose is to raise funds through direct donations and special events to promote quality education programs.
Our Mission
The foundation seeks to secure donations and raise funds from interested citizens, organizations and businesses to support projects not affordable through public funds. Contributions are used to enrich learning opportunities for students in Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools.
How can YOU contribute?
SUPPORT the Foundation with a tax-deductible financial donation. *see types of financial donations >
PROMOTE the Foundation among your friends, family, co-workers and the community
VOLUNTEER at fund raising events
JOIN the governing board
Contact us at bsefoundation@gmail.com for more information
Types of Financial Donations
The Foundation uses its discretion to determine where community or Foundation need is greatest and distributes funds accordingly.
The Foundation decides where grants are needed, within the donor's special area of interest.
The donor determines how the funds will be spent.
Vehicles providing both charitable benefit and income for life through such methods as annuities, tax-exempt trusts and a pooled income fund.
Other planned gifts, such as life insurance and naming the Foundation in wills.
GIFT IDEAS: Family Legacies & Memorials, Artists in Residence, Special Academic Programs, Athletic Equipment, Musical Instruments, Sound/Lighting, Family Sponsored Classroom/Labs, Furnishings, Scholarships